Take a look at this graph to understand why it's so important that you send a message to Governor Malloy telling him to restore funding to hospitals:The graph shows that as Medicaid enrollment has increased sharply, state Medicaid funding to hospitals has declined and, with these most recent cuts, been eliminated. Meanwhile, the tax burden on our state's hospitals is five-fold what it is for corporations.
This on top of the fact that Connecticut comes in dead last in the nation for Medicaid reimbursement rates to providers, covering less than half of the actual cost of providing care.Please take just a few moments to stand up for the health and well-being of yourself, your family and your community by sending a message now.
Back to: What You Need to Know About Governor Malloy's Cuts to Hospitals and DKH
Related: Day Kimball Healthcare Set to Lose Millions as a Result of Governor's Budget Cuts