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Grateful Patient, Steven St. John, Praises Day Kimball Emergency Department for Outstanding, Prompt Care


When Steven St. John was rushed to the Townsend Emergency Medical Center at Day Kimball Hospital by his wife, Pam, he never expected to receive the kind of care that was provided. He was ready to sit in the waiting room and spend time getting admitted. Instead, he was immediately sent through to an examination room and provided care within minutes of his arrival.

68 year-old St. John came into the Emergency Department (ED) on April 8, 2019 complaining of chest and arm pains. An electrocardiography (EKG) was taken upon arrival to examine what may have been the cause of his symptoms. St. John is a veteran and after a quick call to the VA for medical history, DKH’s medical team were able to access his stress test from the previous week and assess his health. They then realized that the level of care St. John required called for an immediate transfer to a tertiary facility. St. John was transported by ambulance to Hartford Hospital where he continued his care.

When asked about his overall experience, St. John shared, “My time in Day Kimball Hospital’s Emergency Department was outstanding. Everyone was professional and the attention I received was great. I would recommend the emergency department to anyone who is seeking emergent medical attention.”

St. John has since then made another visit to the Townsend Emergency Medical Center due to more chest pain. He has returned back to work with instructions of no heavy lifting or strenuous activity.

St. John and his wife, Pam, are the owners of Charlie Brown Campground located in Eastford, CT. His support network includes his wife, his two sons, Chris, 47 and Eric, 45, and the families and people who stay at his campground.

When you or a loved one has a medical emergency the Townsend Emergency Medical Center at Day Kimball Hospital is here for you with quick access to the best care in a modern and comfortable environment. The Emergency Department serves well over 20,000 people each year from all over Connecticut as well as nearby Rhode Island and Massachusetts and has the lowest average door-to-provider time among all Connecticut Hospitals at just 13 minutes.

Patients who come to the Day Kimball Hospital ED suffering from a cardiac event receive specialized cardiac care faster than CT and national averages. DKH’s partnership with UMASS Memorial Medical Center enables patients who come to the Day Kimball Hospital E.D. suffering from a heart attack to be stabilized and transported directly to the UMass Memorial Medical Center catheterization lab for immediate treatment. This partnership allows our patients to receive life-saving catheterization care on average almost twice as fast as at other community hospitals throughout the nation.

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