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Day Kimball Hospital Visitation Policies | May 2023 Update


Here is the latest information regarding DKH's visitor policies:

  • All visitors must be over the age of 18, masks are optional. Please wear a mask if you have COVID-19 and/or an upper respiratory illness.
  • Med/Surg and ICU/Tele patients are allowed to have two visitors between the hours of 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • ED patients will be allowed two visitors per patient, one at a time. At the discretion of the clinical staff, exceptions may be made to allow both visitors at the same time.
  • Covid-positive patients or person under investigation (PUIs) in the ICU or Med/Surg are allowed one visitor per day, ED patients are allowed one visitor for 15 minutes. The visitor MUST sign a consent form and MUST wear a KN95 mask and appropriate PPE. The time and length of the visit may be changed at the discretion of the clinical staff.
  • Maternal Child Health patients are allowed two support people in labor and postpartum. To view the full policy for this unit, click here
  • Pediatric Operating Room or Emergency Department patients will be allowed two accompanying adults during their stay.
  • Adult ACU/OR patients will be allowed one accompanying adult.
  • Hospice patients or Comfort Measures Only patients will be allowed one visitor at a time. The restriction of one visitor can be altered at the discretion of the clinical staff. Visitors need to wait in their vehicle and enter the hospital only when the other visitor has left.
  • Patients with outpatient testing and procedures may have one accompanying adult.
  • Hematology/Oncology patients may have one accompanying adult. This may be altered to include others at the discretion of the clinical team.
  • Inpatient Behavioral Health is restricting visitors; on rare occasions, the clinical staff may make alterations.

PLEASE NOTE: These temporary accompaniment restrictions will remain in effect until further notice. Exceptions may be made to this visiting policy at the discretion of medical and/or nursing leadership, including exceptions for patients who are at end-of-life, and continued consideration for all individuals with developmental, physical, mental and/or other disabilities/challenges.

DKH understands these measures may create a significant hardship for both patients and families. However, DKH believes that at this time this is the best way to protect the vulnerable patients who have trusted DKH with their care.

DKH recognizes that interacting with friends and family can be helpful to the healing process and strongly encourages everyone to utilize other forms of support for their loved ones, such as phone calls, video chats on cell phones or other mobile devices.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to make patient health and safety our top priority. 

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