Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH) has been awarded a $616,000 grant from the State of Connecticut Office of Early Childhood for the period of July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020.
The funding will allow DKH to continue and expand its Family Advocacy Center home visiting program to provide services for families in the towns of Ashford, Brooklyn, Canterbury, Chaplin, Columbia, Eastford, Hampton, Killingly, Plainfield, Pomfret, Putnam, Scotland, Sterling, Thompson, Windham and Woodstock.
This expansion will provide for an additional home visitor, increased outreach staff hours, and further administrative support. In addition, a male fathering home visitor will be joining the team specializing in services and groups for dads.
The program’s mission is to support all young children in their development by ensuring that early childhood policy, funding, and services strengthen the critical role families, providers, educators and communities play in a child’s life.
With grants from the State of Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, DKH Family Advocacy Center Director Christine Collins, Clinical Supervisor Christine Millette, and their staff have successfully administered a home visiting program for over fifteen years.
“Nurturing Families Network and the families we serve are grateful for the continued support from the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood which enables us to continue providing vital programs that change people’s lives,” Collins said.
Day Kimball Healthcare is one of sixteen recipients across the state of Connecticut to have been awarded a contract to provide an array of family-centered home visiting services. DKH’s application was strongly supported by recommendations from Senator Mae Flexer and other community partners including TEEG, Generations, Inter-Faith Human Services and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).
“Receiving these grant funds will allow us to continue to offer this essential resource to Northeast Connecticut families as we work to improve the well-being of both parents and children across the life span,” said DKH President and CEO Anne Diamond.
Over the next eighteen month period using the evidence-based model, “Parents as Teachers,” home visitors will be providing services to prenatal families and those with young children based on need and interest. The services are voluntary and free to families.
Home visitors provide encouragement and support, helpful tips for infant care, and free materials. They can assist with child development monitoring and information; activities to promote healthy brain development; infant massage information and support; options to deal with everyday stresses and connections to community resources. Telephone and mail support is also a service option for parents to select. Parenting Groups and Connection Play Groups will be offered regularly throughout the year.
Parents can enroll anytime during pregnancy or after your child is born by calling (860) 963-6599 ext. 7109. To learn more visit