October is most often associated with the bounties of autumn harvests and the spooky thrills of Halloween. In recent years, it has also become very well known as breast cancer awareness month. The staff at the Day Kimball Healthcare Center in Plainfield have found a way to combine both, with a Pink Pumpkin Contest that's both fun for them and informative for the public.
Suzanne Brown, registered technologist, radiology and mammography for Day Kimball Healthcare, explains:
"I initiated this as a breast cancer awareness challenge for Day Kimball employees in the building. I thought it would be a win-win because it's a fun activity for staff and might possibly bring a smile and some important health education to our patients.
Employees were invited to submit a pumpkin to the contest, with the main criteria being that it had to be decorated in PINK to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness and as creatively as possible, but without being carved. Currently, we have 10 pumpkins in the contest and may have more next week.
We're displaying the pumpkins in the main lobby and have invited
anyone who comes into the Healthcare Center to vote for their favorite one. In addition, I have an informational poster regarding mammography also displayed in the lobby to help educate the public. We are getting great feedback and votes from the community.
The challenge runs until October 31, when I will tally the votes. I've donated a $25 gift certificate to Mr Z’s (a restaurant across the street) for the employee whose pumpkin receives the most votes. I hope to make this an annual event for our employees."
Diagnostic Imaging: Mammography
Locations: Day Kimball Healthcare Center, Plainfield
Integrated Care: Women's Health